Berlin Wall Berlin 2019

Thirty years after the Berlin Wall came down, it is the walls that we can’t see that are perhaps even more dangerous and destructive.

This Invisible Sun installation, set in the courtyard of the ​Factory Berlin​ and only meters away from the Berlin Wall, was designed to push audiences to break down pre-construed ideas and barriers. The three meter high monoliths represented a fragmented Berlin Wall. The faces of the children, all refugees and victims of war, peer out from the fragments reminding us of the power of hope, gratitude, and the human spirit’s ability to overcome. Invisible Sun is a metaphor for hope. The hope in these battered children’s eyes is their gift to us, a light to ignite our optimism and perhaps even our action. Not all of the photographs are of smiling kids, some have a very pronounced absence of hope in their eyes. But sometimes the hopelessness in a child’s eyes makes the strongest case for how powerful hope can be. Giving someone hope is not a soft and cuddling cliché. Hope is as strategic as it gets.

Fall of Berlin Wall 30th Anniversary